Gitár multieffekt Zoom G1Xon
300 RON

Hirdetés tartalma
Gitár multieffekt Zoom G1Xon
gitár multieffekt: innovatív megoldások, mindent tartalmaz, amire napjaink gitárosának szüksége lehet, 22 erősítő modell, USB kompatibilitás, 75 effekt típus + 5 pedállal vezérelhető effekt, 10 program, 10 bank, 44.1 kHz mintavételezés, A/D és D/A 24-bit átalakítás, menthető beállítások, sztereó jack be- és kimenet, AUX bemenet, fejhallgató kimenet, beépített dob modul 64 patternnel, 4 metronóm típus, LCD kijelző, elemmel vagy opcionális adapterrel működtethető, súly: 0.64 kg
100 effects, including distortion, compression, modulation, delay, and reverb plus 5 pedal-controlled effects
Up to 5 effects can be used simultaneously, chained together in any order
100 memory locations (10 banks of 10) for the storage of user-created patches
Swap function makes patch organization a breeze
Auto Save function for automatic saving of all patch parameters
Pre Select function allows silent patch selection while keeping the current patch operational
Onboard chromatic tuner supports all standard guitar tunings, including open and drop tunings
Looper feature for the recording of up to 30 seconds / 64 beats of CD-quality audio with seamless start and end times
68 built-in rhythm patterns which can be used in conjunction with the Looper
Input jack accepts standard mono guitar cable (both active and passive instruments supported)
Auxiliary input jack for connection of personal music players
Output jack for connection to amp or headphones
Backlit LCD with contrast control for easy viewing in low-light environments
Lightweight and small enough to fit in your gig bag
Easily integrated into any existing pedal board
Runs on 4 AA batteries, with alkaline battery life of 20 hours
USB port for firmware updates.