2.1GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 QL-65- AMQL65DAM22GG0
30 RON

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2.1GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 QL-65- AMQL65DAM22GG0 laptop proceszor elado.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 QL-65 specifications
General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Mobile
Family AMD Athlon 64 X2 for Notebooks
Model number QL-65
CPU part number AMQL65DAM22GG is an OEM/tray microprocessor
Stepping codes ABANB BA NBAUB BA
Frequency 2100 MHz
Bus speed One 2000 MHz 16-bit HyperTransport link (4 GT/s)
Clock multiplier 10.5
Package 638-pin lidless micro-PGA
AMD Package number 29882
Socket Socket S1 (S1g2)
Size 1.38" x 1.38" / 3.5cm x 3.5cm
End-of-Life date Last order date is end of 2nd quarter 2010
Last shipment date is end of 4th quarter 2010
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Microarchitecture K8
Platform Puma
Processor core Lion (Griffin)
Core stepping LG-B1
CPUID 200F31
Manufacturing process 0.065 micron silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology
Data width 64 bit
The number of CPU cores 2
The number of threads 2
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 2 x 64 KB 2-way set associative instruction caches
2 x 64 KB 2-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size 2 x 512 KB 16-way set associative exclusive caches
Virtual memory 256 TB
Multiprocessing Uniprocessor
MMX instructions
Extensions to MMX
3DNow! technology
Extensions to 3DNow!
SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology
EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection
AMD-V / AMD Virtualization technology
Low power features
Enhanced PowerNow! technology
Independent Dynamic Core technology
Dynamic Power management
CoolCore technology
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics None
Memory controller The number of controllers: 1
Memory channels: 2
Supported memory: DDR2-667
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s): 10.7
Other peripherals HyperTransport technology
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Maximum operating temperature 100°C
Thermal Design Power 35 Watt
Irany ar: 30 RON.